Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Adolf Hitler, Proclamation to the German Nation, February 1, 1933

The theme of this reading is that which Hitler is telling Germany what is is going to do to bring the nation out of the bad spot in which they were in. When Hitler said "May God Almighty give our work His blessing, strengthen our purpose, and endow us with wisdom and the trust of our people, for we are fighting not for ourselves but for Germany." it really stuck out to me. This stuck out to me for many different reason, the fist being that Hitler is saying that God Almighty give Germany a blessing. The second this that stuck out to me out this is that this is how Hitler finished what he was saying. I wonder why he saved this for the end of his proclamation? I would have to say that he saved this till the end to show the people of Germany that Hitler is putting God first with what he is doing because God is where all hope lays.

This generated the idea that something many seem nice on the outside but that does not mean that is is that nice on the inside. Hitler made what he was doing for Germany seem like the best thing for Germany. But in all reality what he did was not what Germany needed but at the time it seemed right. It makes the statement that you cannot judge a book by its cover. You have to look at it more than just the cover to see if it is a good book. Hitler looked like a good book for Germany but the pages in the book were not as good as the cover made them look.

This reading connects to today with how a lot of people are like Hitler they make it seem like they have all the best in mind for those around them but their way of going about it may not be the best way for it to happen. People always try to see the best in people but like I said before the cover of a book is not always right with what the pages say. The pages till the real story of the book the cover can be misleading. You must look at more in people than what they want you to see.

This relates to the reading because it shows what Hitler was trying to do for Germany. What he was try to do and what he really thought that he was doing. Hitler did what he thought was best for Germany but in his own mind it was right. What he thought might not have been what was best but it is history. Without that history who knows history may not have been the same as it is now.

Friday, December 2, 2011

1914 & 1916 British and German Rations

The theme of the reading is about how during the war supplies were very limited and there is a great difference in the amount of the ration depending where you were at. I found it interesting how the ration Britain differed so much depending where you were at and even how little the troops were getting. It is wrong for the troops to get so little when they are the ones who need their strength to fight but yet they do not seem that important to their country.

Reading this got me to thinking about how this really affected everyone in the world. With the war mostly in Europe and the western part of Europe at that, was destroyed with a lot gone; the land, factories, and even homes. The land was not good to grow crops on, the factories were not there to make produces for people. It truly affected everyone with everything. Not just by the loss of lives but the loss of everything else. The lasting affects of the war were most likely just as damaging to the countries as the war itself. The war made it hard to rebuild and get back to life as normal.

The Modern parallels I see with this reading would have to be inflation. Inflation is not something that you can control, just like the rations the people could not control. The thing that is different is rations will most likely go away once you have a change to rebuild after a war, but inflation just keeps on growing and building up. There is not much you can do about inflation but hope that it goes away. But I guess people who lived during this time period would say that same thing about the rations, just hope that it goes away.

This reading relates to the text in the way that it shines a greater light on what life during the war was like. The war was not pretty but the text really does not show how bad it really was. This reading helps build on what the text says about the war. The war did a lot of damage but you really see how hard it was on everyone when you read what they had to go through. 

Kaiser Wilhelm II A place in the Sun, 1901

The theme of the reading was Germany justifying their reasoning for having more ships on the water. " The more Germans go out upon the waters, whether it be in races or regattas, whether it be in journeys across the ocean, or in the service of the battle flag, so much the better it will be for us." This backs what the theme is of the reading. This stuck out to me because it was like Germany was saying that they did not care what anyone thought about what they were doing, they were going to do what they wanted. Did Germany really have the right to do what they did? If they did then why do they have to say why they are doing it? these questions show that they really did not have the right  to do what they did.

This got me to thinking about how if one country does this then who is to stop every country from doing the exact same thing? it goes to the facet of protecting your own. So if one country is building up their military then you are going to do the same exact thing because you do not want them to beat you. Once you build up your military, they will build theirs up more and this will never end and it will cause more problems that help. It will also make more problems than it answers.

This connects to today with how they government is now because they do what they want but once someone says something against what they are doing, they have to back up what they are doing. They become defensive about what they are doing. When this happen most of the time it means that you are hiding the real reason behind what you are doing. thus making you come up with a story or lie of why you are doing it. Not everyone will agree with what is going on but you can not cave to what others think because if you do it will just make it look like you are hiding something. They may not be right themselves.

This relates to the text with Hitler when comes to power he does not care about the limitation that were put on Germany. He does what he wants to do to protect his country. It was his job to help Germany out of what others had put her into. They need to help themselves because it is their right to help their country. the one thing that is different is in the reading they are backing up what they are saying but with Hitler, he just does what he wants and does not care what others think about what he is doing.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Friederich Engels: Industrial Manchester, 1844

The theme of the reading is about how the Industrial Manchester was like for those who worked in and lived in it. This part of the ready stuck out to me when I was reading. "If we leave the Irk and penetrate once more on the opposite side from long Millgate into the midst of the working-men's dwellings, we shall come into a somewhat newer quarter, which stretches from St, Michael's Church to Withy Grove and Shude Hill." This stuck out to me because it really shows what people thought about working-men. The working-class was not looked in that great of a light. This really shows what the people thought and how they went about showing what they thought.

This got me to thinking about what the life was like during the 1800s and how industrial life was. Industrial life seemed to be more difficult than it needed to be. But at the same time with what was going on it was not as bad as it could have been. There were harder time in history but at the time what they were going through was hard. That was a good time in history for the world because it lead to so many new things in the world of industry.

The modern  parallels that I see with this reading are have a lot to do with how the economy is right now. There are ups and downs with the economy just like how industrial changes had there up and downs. The ups really helped the community and help improved the way of life. The downs were the worse of the worse they did not help out at all, they could have been the end of everything but the ups really helped.

This relates to the text with how the first industrial revolution caused more than it really helped but because of the second industrial revolution really saved the economy. There were ups and downs with both of the industrial revolution but the downs were greater than the ups for the longest time. The downs stayed around for a long time and really effected the world and the economy. The ups of the second industrial revolution pulled the world out of the down that the first industrial revolution caused.

Friday, November 4, 2011

James VI and I True Law of Free Monarchies

The theme of the reading is talking about how the monarchy was for James VI and I. "The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth; for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself they are called gods." This stood out to me because it really talks about how the monarchy thought that they had the right to everything. It was God's gift to them and the world need to listen to them because they thought that they were God's gift to the world. 

This got me to think about how it is really only should what the Monarchy thought about themselves and not how the people in the kingdom were treated by the monarch. If you look at it from the monarchy's side of things then you see what they thought of themselves. They know how to shine a light on what they do good and how they know how to care for the kingdom. If you really look at how the monarchy was then you see that not all were as good to their kingdoms as they could have been or in all realty should have been.

This reading connects to today with how people in america think that they are better because some of them think that they are God's gift to the world. they also think that because they are God's gift that they have to save the world. But that is not true, just with how the monarchy thought that they were God's gift giving them the right to do what they think is best whether it really is or not. Sometimes we just need to step back and let God use us they way that he wants to not the way we think he wants to use us.

This reading relates to the text with how Europeans thought that everything was theirs because they thought it was their God given right to the rest of the world. Just like how the monarch thought that they were God's gift to the kingdom. Europeans thought that they were God's gift to the world and how they were there to help change the world for what they thought was better. God is the only one to really say what is better or not, no human can truly say what is best for other humans.  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The 12 Articles of the German Peasants, 1524

The Theme of "The 12 Articles of the German Peasants" is that of what the peasants want from the government. The things that they thought was there God given right. The part that stuck out the most to me was this "Likewise, if more complaints should be discovered which are based upon truth and the Scriptures and relate to offenses against God and our neighbor, we have determined to reserve the right to present these also, and to exercise ourselves in all Christian teaching. For this we shall pray to God, since he can grant our demand, and he alone." This really got me thinking about how they said that this is what they are given in scripture and if it goes against what is written then they are null.

The new ideas that this made me think are how the peasant knew that they were not being treated right and they had the great idea to change it. This made me think about how if something I thought about was wrong then I should do something to change it. Whatever it may be, one way or another I should step up and do something to change it.

You can relate this to many of the different organizations that are all trying to end something or bring awareness to something. Some of the groups are like the ones that are bringing awareness to sex trafficking and invisible children. They know something is wrong and they are doing something to change it or they are at least trying to change it. They are doing what the German Peasants did.

This relates to the text to how there were many different civil revolts among the people. The one thing that is different with what the German Peasants did is that they did not fight with their fist but with their words. The revolts or revelation that happened but they way that those happened where not as smart as how the Peasants did it. The Peasants did it in a way that will become more common in history. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Journal of Christopher Columbus

The theme of the reading was how the native people and Christopher Columbus. "As the Indians are so simple, and the Spaniards so avaricious and grasping, it does not suffice that the Indians should give them all they want in exchange for a bead or a bit of glass but the Spaniards would take everything without any return at all. The Admiral always prohibits this..." This stood out to me because the face the Columbus would not let them take everything shows good charter. This also shows how the Spaniards really act and it is not respectful.

This reading had me thinking about what it would be like to discover a new place and have new in counters with people. It would be thrilling to go travel to a place you have never been and no one has ever tried to go. The things that must have been going through Columbus' head when going through this would be so interesting. Columbus' did something that not many other people could do.

The modern parallels are how everyone whats to be the first to do whatever. To be the first to do something is everything to everyone. Everyone whats to make a name for themselves. Christopher Columbus made a name for himself and showed everyone a new world and because of that everyone whats to be the first to do anything. If they are not the first then they have to be the best.

This relates to the text with how everyone was trying to do what was best for themselves to show that they were the best at anything or to show that they had the most power. This is what ends up fueling the world into the exploration of the new world. Who knows what will come next with everyone trying to be the best.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Anonimalle Chronicles English Peasants' Revolt 1381

The theme of the reading was that of how the King treated the peasants in his kingdom and how they went about to change it. "Presently Wat Tighler, in the presence of the King, sent for a flagon of water to rinse him mouth, because of the great heat that he was in, and when it was brought he rinsed him mouth in a very rude and disgusting fashion before the King's face." I found that the way he disrespected the King was uncalled for but at the same time it was needed to help the revolt. Because for the revolt to be successful it is needed to show the King no respect at all. 

The thought that you need to take great measures to show someone something really stood out. The fact that they were willing to do what they had to, to revolt was impressive. I do not think I could do that to someone even if I had to, because I do not like to be mean to anyone, at all. I like to look at the good in everyone, but they looked past that and saw what the King really was and had the want to change it. 

This connects to what went on in Iraq. Yes, they need help but they wanted to revolt against their rule because of the way they were being treated. This show that what happened in the past can still happen again. It might happen the same way it may not but it still can happen. 

This relates to the text with the Italian Renaissance in how they wanted to change something and they worked hard to change it. They had the want to change it and they did. Just like the Peasants' did in their revolt against the King. In both cases they did not wait for someone to come along and change what they did not like the took charge and changed it themselves.    

Friday, October 7, 2011

Urban II's Speech at Clermont

The theme of this reading is about what the Pope says to his people about the way things are with all the people. This was important for the Pope to be able to write and talk to the people. This lets the people know that the Pope is not high up to talk to the common people. It also helps the common people to know what the Pope is talking about.

"When Pope Urban had said these and very many similar things in his urbane discourse, he so influenced to one purpose the desires of all who were present, that they cried out, "It is the will of God! It is the will of God!" This stood out to me for two reasons, first was because it talks about things that the Pope had said and how the people responded to what the Pope had said. The second reason this stood out to me is what the people said in response to the Pope, "It is the will of God!" it is kind of weird how of all things that is what they said.

This reading got me to think about religion, mine and the religions of the time. The religion of the time was so much more structured than the religion of the time being. I wish that religion now a days was like it was back then. The structured gave the people a balance in their life and balance is something that I would find helpful in  the world today. Religion is something that the world could use to help keep more peace in the world.

This relates to the reading in how religion was what controlled the time period and what the people did. Religion was not something to be taken lightly. The Pope was the high of the high and people were to look up to him. He was who people did look too in times of need and the fact that the Pope wrote to his people did the Pope a lot of good he was there for them to look up to.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pope Gregory II- Appeal to Charles Martel

The theme of what Pope Gregory II was that his son is going to be protected no matter what others have to say about it. "You, oh son, will receive favor from the same prince of apostle of all our woes to your faithful subject" this phrase stood out to me because it is saying that he will not only receive favor but the same favor as the prince of the apostle. That is hard to think about that someone could receive that kind of favor. Is that even really possible to receive that kind of favor? I honestly do not think that you can receive that kind of favor because it is so great and the prince of apostle, St Peter, not only lived in the time of Jesus but he walked with Jesus and followed him.

This reading made me think about how can you really know if you have favor coming your way. People can say that you have favor but they are just people and people do not always say the truth. So, can we as people who might follow Christ really receive the same favor as those that walked with Christ? I think that the favor is not the same kind of favor but as Christ followers you will have more favor than those who choose to turn their head on Christ. But that is not to say that we will have the same favor as the prince of the apostle, who himself was only a person but he was a person who follow not only what Christ said but Christ himself.

This is hard to connect to today but at the same time easy. People are always saying that you have favor over others but like I have said before how can one person have more favor over others and how can one say that you have favor? You really can not say that you have favor but yet people say it all the time. It does not matter what time period it is, it is always being said. Favor is favor no matter how you put it. That is why no one person can have favor over another.

The Pope Gregory II is telling his most excellent son, Karl, Sub-King about how because they have defended there church of God and his chosen people that favor is on them. Favor can not be something that is given to you just because you think it should. It is something that just happens to you.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thucydides: On the Early History of the Hellenes

I believe that the theme of the reading was not just the early history of the Hellenes but how their way of life changed over time. The fact that they migrated many different times seems different from what we know. "Living in this manner and knowing that they could anywhere obtain a bare subsistence, they were always ready to migrate; so that they had neither great cities nor any considerable resources." This stood out to me because just being able to pick up and move somewhere is so different for me because the first time I moved was to college. They were like no mads, they never really had a place to call home, but they still knew how to provide for themselves and their families. The thought of being no mads is so intriguing, because they know how to survive with very little.

This reading generated the ideas of how life would be if I was always moving around. The fact that they were always ready to migrate at anytime but at the same time keeping their culture true with how they were. That would be very hard to do with always moving around, you would think that they would lose some of their culture and gain some of the culture around them every time that they migrate. This idea also had me thinking that if you are always ready to migrate then you most likely do not have to many enemies. That is a good and a bad thing because anyone and no one is their enemies and that is most likely why they were always ready to migrate.

You can see how the Hellenes history relates to the history of many people living in America. The Hellenes never really had a homeland and many of the people living in America, you can trace their history back to where this is not their homeland. But as the people that came to America now call it their homeland, the Hellenes did end up having a place to call their own homeland. You can also see how they could sustain a way of life by living with very little, is not something you see much any more. People depend to much one things that can be taken from them. The Hellenes never had any considerable resources, thus they did not depend on the unnecessary thing.

Hellenes carried weapons on them, which is not something you see anymore. Most people do not have to carry their weapons on them because they believe that they are safe without weapons on them. The Hellenes had to carry their weapons because their homes were undefended and unsafe. That is not how it is in present time, at least most people believe that is not how it is. Weapons soon became not as much a need as they settled down and were able to get a army to defended their home land, like most places have in place now.