Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Journal of Christopher Columbus

The theme of the reading was how the native people and Christopher Columbus. "As the Indians are so simple, and the Spaniards so avaricious and grasping, it does not suffice that the Indians should give them all they want in exchange for a bead or a bit of glass but the Spaniards would take everything without any return at all. The Admiral always prohibits this..." This stood out to me because the face the Columbus would not let them take everything shows good charter. This also shows how the Spaniards really act and it is not respectful.

This reading had me thinking about what it would be like to discover a new place and have new in counters with people. It would be thrilling to go travel to a place you have never been and no one has ever tried to go. The things that must have been going through Columbus' head when going through this would be so interesting. Columbus' did something that not many other people could do.

The modern parallels are how everyone whats to be the first to do whatever. To be the first to do something is everything to everyone. Everyone whats to make a name for themselves. Christopher Columbus made a name for himself and showed everyone a new world and because of that everyone whats to be the first to do anything. If they are not the first then they have to be the best.

This relates to the text with how everyone was trying to do what was best for themselves to show that they were the best at anything or to show that they had the most power. This is what ends up fueling the world into the exploration of the new world. Who knows what will come next with everyone trying to be the best.

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